November 2012 School Activities CalendarNovember Breakfast CalendarNovember Lunch Calendar
2- Elementary Principal ~ Dalchow2- Junior Kindergarten3- First Grade3- Change Your Look . . . And Life4- Third Grade5- Carol Dix Benefit6- Fifth Grade6- Liquid Antioxidant7- Elementary Physical Education7- GRAPS (OST)8- Elementary Speech9- MS.HS Principal -Joe Schwan10- Guidance Activities10- Groton Visitation Program10- Groton Fall Testing Program11- Post-High Planning Day11- Natural Helpers11- Title IV Goals11- Biology II12- 6th Grade Art12- 7th Grade Art12- 8th Grade Art12- Art I
13- Art II13- Introduction to Tech13- Tech 213- Construction Tech13- Tech 413- 6th Grade English14- 6th Grade Reading14- 6th Grade Social Studies14- 6th Grade Report15- American History15- Honors History15- 9th Grade Health16- 9th Grade PE16- Introduction to Agriculture16- Environmental Science17- Plant Science17- Ag Management17- Horticulture17- FFA17- Junior High band18- Sixth Grade Band18- Fifth Grade General Music