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manipulate words daily. • Our math curriculum is teaching us many different ways to solve math problems. We will continue to learn more strategies throughout the year. Students are encouraged to solve problems using the method that works best for them. Some of the strategies we have learned include making circle drawings, using fingers to count on, and finding the greater number to count on. We have used these to solve addition and subtraction equations, find the unknown partner, and solve story problems. This week finds us making "Math Mountains" to find unknown totals and partners. • We have been busy learning about rules and laws of our community and country and how the location of people affects the way they live. In science we have learned about things that are living and nonliving, habitats, and how plants and animals live. We express our creativity through an art activity each week. • As you can see we are very busy in first grade. We hope to win an Oscar or Emmy award for all our hard work! J
3rd Grade - Kristi Anderson & Deb Winburn • Our third graders are much like the colorful leaves outside our window - each with his/her own unique personality. They've also changed and grown in the past few weeks with new experiences and responsibilities. We have 45 third graders rounding out our room. • We welcome Ms. Rose Long, our student teacher, who will be with us until December 13th. She provides extra individualized help to our students and has begun (Continued on page 5)