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Groton Junior and Senior Classes Attended Post-High Planning Day - Jodi Sternhagen • On October 3 all juniors attended Post-High Planning Day in Aberdeen. Fifty-four post-secondary institutions were represented at the fair where admissions counselors talked with students about their futures. The students were able to browse through exhibits and talk to various representatives.
Groton High School and Junior High Natural Helpers - Jodi Sternhagen • Natural Helpers are students who have been chosen by their peers or teachers because of the rapport they have with other students. In the program, Natural Helpers are taught basic helping skills to use when talking with friends and how to recognize problems that should be referred. • Groton has senior high Natural Helper groups and junior high classrooms which meet a few times a year to discuss what has been happening, learn new skills, and review materials. Each year new 7th graders are trained in the helping skill.
Title IV Goals - Jodi Sternhagen • The Title IV Advisory Committee met in May to review past goals, programs, and data and to develop goals for 2012-2013.. These goals are: To equip middle school students on how to identify and help peers who are making unhealthy/unsafe decisions by training the 7th grade class in the Natural Helper curriculum during 7th grade guidance, to have student health fairs with grades 9-12 and K-5 scheduled for 2012-2013 and grades K-5 and 6-8 scheduled for the 2013-2014 school year., to have the 3-5th grade Student Council work with elementary students to learn how to make healthy decisions, to have an internet crimes presentations for 3rd grade parents during the health fair and for the 6-12th graders (parents can attend) throughout the year, to have a meeting for parents covering topics of cyberbullying issues at the laptop handout in the fall for grades 10-12, to have a grades 8-12 assembly on drug-alcohol-safe driving issues in the school year 2012-2013, and to have middle school students work with elementary students to promote character building and drug-alcohol awareness, to have a faculty inservice on cybersafety.
Biology II - Jodi Sternhagen • The Biology II students began the year with an introduction into human anatomy and physiology. We are currently studying an overview of organ systems and will next move into a detailed study of each organ system beginning with the integumentary system. Each week the students have learned a new set of health science vo (Continued on page 12)