Groton Area School November Meeting
Elementary Principal ~ Dan Dalchow • Each year brings new challenges and the school takes on a different dynamic as its students mature, move on, and new students enter. The school year, now in full swing, is moving right along and going very well. Walk into any classroom and you will see actively engaged students. Watch students coming to school and you will see happy, smiling faces that enjoy being here. Students know their routines, they are learning, and they are reading, (even the kindergarteners) • The support at home by parents in regards to school and homework is invaluable. Taking an active interest in your child's school and activities has been proven to increase performance levels and scores. So when you see your child bring home a conference request in the next week or so (Conferences are Nov.8th) please make every effort to attend. Knowing how your child is performing, knowing what you can expect them to be bringing home, and knowing what is going on in the classroom provides you with a wealth of information that you can use to help your child do their very best at school. • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me during school hours. Thank you. Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us
JK - Julie Milbrandt • It doesn't seem so many days ago that the school year was beginning … now we are already one-fourth of the way through the year. When school began, we spent a few days getting to know where everything is - library, gym, music room, and computer lab are some of our favorites. We also learned who different people are in our school - teachers, librarians, nurses, secretaries, the principal. • We are always very busy in Junior Kindergarten. Every day we practice our calendar skills -each of us has our own calendar to write the number on! We also make a weather graph and are counting how many days we have been in school. Then, depending on the day, we may have PE, centers, or computers. If we have centers we have been busy learning the letters and sounds that the letters of the alphabet make. So far we are up to H! We also practice our rhyming, writing and number skills. Some of the math skills we have worked on are: estimating, graph (Continued on page 3)