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instead of putting in the shadows like a drawing. They used 1 point perspective to create their own room and are now finishing a Paper Relief project.
ART II - Janene Harry They started out the quarter doing an in class sketchbook project to refresh their skills. This quarter the assigned artists were Pop artist and their choice for the others. The first project was a study of Art Nouveau and they developed one using their initial/s and various supplies to finish it. The Elementary PAC had them design t-shirt/sweatshirt ideas for the elementary students to vote on. The next project was a Colored Pencil Drawing and they are finishing the quarter with a Glass Etching Project. Introduction to Tech - Don Donley This is a Freshman class and they are doing some basic woodworking, we are studying tools, identification, safety, uses, cost and maintenance. Tech. 2 - Don Donley This is a Sophomore class and we are currently studying different aspects of engineering. They designed and built a small tower, then we weighed them and tested them to see how they would stand up under different weights and how they compared. Construction Tech - Don Donley This is a Junior class and we are currently building a storage shed. They poured the cement, framed and sheathed the walls and will be working on the rafters next. Tech. 4 - Don Donley This is a Senior class and they are finishing up some welding exercises. They will start on small gas engines next. 6th grade English - Mrs. Johnson Some things never change! Grammar is one of "those things". But it still proves to be challenging. We have covered types of sentences and end punctuation. Nouns are another topic covered. Who knew that nouns had so many jobs to do! They can be subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, predicate nouns, and the object of prepositions. We are currently studying the job of pronouns. Sixth grade is finding out they have lots of jobs also!
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