Sunday,  November 11, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 116 • 1 of 33 •  Other Editions

1- Toda's Information
2- Rev. Snyder's Column
2- Have a computer? Put it to work!
3- Kiwanis Snow Queen Contest
4- Johnson Agency
4- McKiver Collision
5- Young Adults Avoid these privacy red flags
5- Bahr Spray Foam
6- Hometown Care from Avera
6- Liquid Antioxidant
7- Change you look--and your life
8- Thune's Column
9- Noem's Column
10- Classifieds
11- Today in Weather History
12- Today's Weather
13- National Weather Map
14- Weather Page
15- Daily Devotional
16- EarthSky
18- Winter Coat Drive
19- News from the Associated Press
20- Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Sunday, November 11
10:00 am: St. John's Sunday School/Bible Study
• 10:15 am: Emmanuel Lutheran Sunday School
• Birthdays: Doug Sippel • Pastor Elizabeth Johnson • Jeff Loutsch • Helen Nehls • Jon Anderson • Eleanor Opp • Sherry Koehler
• Veterans Day
• 9:00a: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship / SS Sing
• 9:00am: St. John's Lutheran Worship
• 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow
• 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship
• 3:00pm: United Methodist Worship at Golden Living Center
• 7:00pm: Kiwanis Snow Queen Contest
• 7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Choir
Monday, November 12
Region Oral Interp at Aberdeen
• Wrestling Practice Begins
• School Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, fruit, juice, milk.
• School Lunch: Mini corn dog, pork and beans, sun chips, fruit, milk.
• Senior Menu: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, parsley buttered carrots, banana cake with icing, whole wheat bread.
• Birthdays: Mike Profeta • Debbie Herron • Clarence Hannon • Heidi Locke
• 6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible

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