Sunday,  November 11, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 116 • 3 of 33 •  Other Editions

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to go. Something has to be done so that I can figure out day by day what is really true.
• I shared my dilemma with my better half and as is usually the situation, she came up with a brilliant answer. Please, do not let her know I said that. She might get a big head and we cannot afford to buy a whole new set of hats.
• She simply said, "Why don't you do what the politicians do?"
• I did not quite know what she was getting at, so I inquired further.
• "Silly," her pet name for Yours Truly, "the politicians always take a poll before they decide on anything."
• It dawned on me like a morning in June. Of course. Whenever a politician wants to know what truth is flying on any given day, he reverts to taking a poll. Out of that poll, he can know what the truth is for that day. Amazing.
• I need to learn some lessons from today's politician.
• The first thing I need to understand from a politician's point of view is, "What I am saying at the time is not necessarily what I mean."
• This is convenient and frees me up to say things I normally might put a check on. The check's in the mail and I now am free to say whatever is on my mind at the moment. The first thing I need to do is find out what is on the mind of the people I am talking to. Whatever is on their mind is exactly what is on my mind.
• This has such a freeing aspect to it.
• Another thing from a politician's viewpoint is, "What I said yesterday doesn't count today." This also is from the polling machine. The amazing thing about most

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