Tuesday,  Dec. 03, 2013 • Vol. 16--No. 140 • 1 of 33

1- Today's Information
1- Firemen Gun Winner
1- Recycling Trailer in Groton
2- City Council Story
2- Garbage mess
3- Hanging Decorations
3- Anita is putting up the clock
4- Over 70.5? Don't forget mandatory IRA withdrawals
6- Andover Bar & Grill
6- Today in Weather History
7- South Dakota Weather
8- National Weather Map
9- Local Weather Page
10- Daily Devotional
11- News from the Associated Press

• Tuesday, December 3
• Sippel Notice Debate in Groton
School Breakfast: Cereal, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk.
• School Lunch: Garlic cheese bread, roman salad, fresh and canned fruit.
Senior Menu: Roast pork, baked potato with sour cream, squash, apple sauce, Molasses cookie, whole wheat bread.
Birthdays: Brook Anderson • Jeff Merkel • Dennis K Larson • Anthony Sippel • Jamie Rossow
• 10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study
• 1:30pm: St. John's Lutheran Good Cheer
• 6:00pm: JHGBB hosts Clark-Willow Lake

• Wednesday, December 4
School Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, milk.
• School Lunch: Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, tea buns, fresh and canned fruit.
Senior Menu: New England Ham Dinner, dinner roll, fruit cocktail cake and ice cream.
Birthdays: Brennan McMahon • Caitlyn Howard • Samantha Larson • Darlys Kampa • Drew Johnson
• 7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study

Firemen Gun Winner
Monday, December 02, 2013
Steve Smith, Groton
Browning Buckmark

Recycling Trailer in Groton

The recycling trailer is back in Groton at 10 East Railroad Ave. Don't forget, there is also a dumpster at the city shop for aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the pool.

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