Tuesday,  January 29, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 194 • 1 of 34 •  Other Editions

Click Here for this week's
Groton Independent

1- Today's Information
1- McKiver Collision
2- Greenfield's Legislative Column
2- BDA Home Designs
3- Cheri's on Main
5- Time to dig out
6- Avoiding tax refund identity fraud
6- Bahr Spray Foam
8- Letter to the editor on Silver Skates
8- Service Notice: Jerry Millim
8- Groton Garden Club
8- Recycling Trailer in Groton
9- Hometown Care from Avera
9- Classifieds
9- Andover  Bar & Grill
10- Today in Weather History
11- Today's Weather
12- National Weather Map
13- Local Weather Page
14- Daily Devotional
15- EarthSky
16- News from the Associated Press

Groton Area School will be starting 2 hours late on Tuesday, January 29.  There will be no 8:30 a.m. pre-school.  The 10:45 a.m. pre-school and junior kindergarten will be at the regular time. OST services will be available starting at 7:00.  There will be no MathCounts practice at the MS/HS today.

Tuesday, January 29
School Breakfast: Waffle, sausage, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Taco salad with topping, baked beans, fruit.
Senior Menu: Roast beef, potatoes, carrots and onions, gravy, peaches, dinner roll.
Birthdays: Dorene Nelson, Glenda LaMee, Loren Wheeler
10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study
4:00pm: JHBB at Redfield
7:00pm: WOW Practice
7:00pm: School Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 30
8th Grade NAEP Test
School Breakfast: French toast, links, fruit, juice, milk.
School Menu: Hamburger, French fries, fruit.
Senior Menu: Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, California blend vegetables, lemon tart bar, whole wheat bread.
Birthdays: Mary Kay Houdek, Patty Baule, Trevor Harry
7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible

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