Tuesday,  January 29, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 194 • 2 of 34 •  Other Editions

Legislative Report from Brock Greenfield

• Hello from Pierre! The first three weeks of Session have proven to be busy, and they have absolutely flown by! However, much of the "busy-ness" has been taking place behind the scenes, with various briefings/presentations/meetings, etc. that help to lay the groundwork for the next several weeks. Of course, I have been working on various pieces of legislation, as well. In many cases, I have been collaborating with others who have sought my input, but I have a few bills in which I will be serving as the prime sponsor. I dropped three House bills in the hopper last week with my name at the top, and I have another one that I will be serving as the lead proponent on, but

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Brock Greenfield

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