Tuesday,  June 10, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 327 • 1 of 34

Tuesday, June 10
Senior Menu: Meatloaf, Baked Potato/S.Cream, Creamed Peas, Fruited Jello, Whole Wheat Bread
Birthdays: Eddy Opp, Axel Ray Abeln.
• 8 am to Noon: Elementary Library Open (Story time with Miss Seeklander at 10 am)
• 10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study
• 12:00pm: Bridge at Olive Grove
• 5:30pm: Legion hosts Sisseton (DH)
• 5:30pm: Teeners at Milbank
• 6:00pm: T-Ball: Warner @ Groton (A)
• 6:15pm: Ladies Night Golf at Olive Grove
• 7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Church Council

Wednesday, June 11
Senior Menu: Creamed Chicken, Buttermilk Biscuit, Peas, Pineapple/Mandarin Orange Sauce, Peanut Butter Cookie
Anniversary: Wayne & Patty Hein
Birthdays: Charles Westby, Lila Dirksen
• 7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study
• 12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center
• 5:30pm: 8U Pee Wees vs. Britton at Britton
• 5:30pm: Legion hosts Milbank (DH)
• 6:00pm: 10U Pee Wees host Aberdeen
• 6:00pm: Men's League at Olive Grove

1- Today's Information
2- School Board Story
2- Fliehs Sales & Service
4- Groton Spring Cleanup
4- TreeLine Tree Service
4- For Rent
4- Hoops Family Reunion
5- Olson Development
6- Johnson Agency Ad
7- Today in Weather History
7- Andover Bar & Grill
9- South Dakota Weather Map
10- National Weather Map
11- Local Weather Page
12- Daily Devotional
13- News from the Associated Press

The cardboard/paper
recycling trailer at the school is back and is open!

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