Thursday,  April 17, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 273 • 1 of 32

Thursday, April 17
School Breakfast: Cinnamon roll, yogurt, juice, fruit, milk.
School Lunch: Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, green beans, fresh and canned fruit, bread sticks.
Senior Menu: Beef stroganoff noodles, mixed vegetables, cake with strawberries, whole wheat bread.
Birthdays: Bernice Fliehs, Dan Felkey, Morghan Waage, Aaron Delzer
4:30pm: Groton Christian & Missionary Alliance Ladies Bible Study
7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship
7:00pm: United Methodist Maundy Service

Friday, April 18
GOOD No School
Birthdays: Dylan Vogel, Emily Sippel, Merrie Atherton, Tammie Hanson
12:00pm: Community Good Service at C&MA Church
7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship
Saturday, April 19
Birthday: Virginia Nehls
10:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Pastor at Rosewood Court

1- Today's Information
2- Andover Bar & Grill
2- Profeta signs with Mt. Marty
3- Shrine Circus Ad
3- Reining in Prom Expenses
4- Apartments for Rent
4- May Day Fashions
6- Olde Bank Floral & More
6- Producer's Hybrids
6- Harr Motors
6- Spanier's Custom Harvesting
8- Blocker Construction
8- James Valley Seed
8- Titan Machinery
8- Olson Backhoe & Trenching
9- Apartment for Rent
9- Today In Weather History
10- SD Weather
11- US Weather Map
11- Recycling Trailer in Groton
12- Local Weather Page
13- Daily Devotional
14- News from the Associated Press

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