Monday,  Feb. 17, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 216 • 1 of 38

1- Today's Information
2- USDA Ag Secretary Column
2- Olson Development
4- Haar Motors
4- Rule Changes Tighten Reverse Mortgage Eligibility
5- Kindergarten Screening
7- Andover Bar & Grill
7- Raap Bridal Shower
7- McInerney Bridal Shower
7- Office Assistant Wanted
7- Summer Help Wanted
8- DI Important Dates
9- For Rent
9- Today in Weather History
11- Tina's Little Tykes Day Care
12- SD Weather Map
13- Recycling Trailer in Groton
13- National Weather Map
14- Local Weather Page
15- Daily Devotional
16- Basketball schedule/scores
17- News from the Associated Press

Monday, February 17
Birthdays: Darien Shabazz, Lila Olson, Marie Gengerke
Presidents' Day (Washington's Birthday)
1:00--4:00 pm: DI Instant Challenge Day at Groton Elementary
4:00pm: JHBB at Roncalli Elementary School
6:30pm: Boys Basketball at Roncalli with C game at 5:15 pm

Tuesday, February 18
School Breakfast: Muffin, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Soft shell taco, tater tots, carrots and dip, fresh and canned fruit.
Senior Menu: Hot roast beef combo, carrots, Mandarin Oranges, Peanut Butter Cookie.
Anniv: Chuck and Mickey Padfleid
Birthdays: Crystal Young, Zach Herron
10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study

Wednesday, February 19
School Breakfast: Early risers, fruit, juice, milk.

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