Monday,  November 5, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 111 • 1 of 35 •  Other Editions

1- Today's Information
1- Hometown Care from Avera
2- Friday Sunrise photo
2- Mobile Home For Rent
3- Farmers Alliance
3- Sunday Snow photo
4- Deuel Game FB Player Awards
5- Laura on Life
5- Change your look . . . And Life
6- McKiver Collision
6- Johnson Agency
7- Greenfield for Dist. 3
7- Proven Leadership
8- Classifieds
8- Recycling Trailer in Groton
9- Formula 1 Express Meal Bar
10- Today in Weather History
10- Mikkonen for Commissioner
12- Today's Weather
12- Benefit for Carol Dix
12- National Weather Map
13- Weather Page
14- Daily Devotional
15- EarthSky
16- Winter Coat Drive
17- News from the Associated Press

Monday, November 5
School Breakfast: Breakfast bagel, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Turkey wrap, baked beans, fresh carrots, Mandarin oranges, milk.
Senior Menu: Spanish rice with hamburger, green beans, Mandarin Oranges, Chocolate pudding, whole wheat bread.
Anniversary: Charles & Virginia Meister
Birthdays: Derek Carr • Jodi Sternhagen
6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study
8:00am: Jr kindergarten and kindergarten picture for Thanksgiving paper.
1:30pm: St. John's Nursery Circle
4:00pm: JHGBB at Roncall (8th Grade)
7:00pm: City Council Meeting

Tuesday, November 6
Election Day
School Breakfast: Early riser, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Chicken patty, tea bun, steamed carrots, spinach salad, fruit, salad.
Senior Menu: Roast beef with potatoes, carrots and onions, gravy, peaches, dinner roll.
Anniversary: Duane & Rhonda Fliehs
Birthday: Amanda Briggs
10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study
1:30pm: St. John's Good Cheer
7:00pm: Class 1A VB Tourney at East

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