Sunday,  April 29, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 290 • 1 of 34 •  Other Editions

Today's Information

• Sunday, April 29
• Greenery Day
• 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worhsip
• 10:15am: 10:15 am: Emmanuel Lutheran Sunday School
• 11:00am: United Methodist Worship

• Monday, April 30
• Hairstyle Appreciation Day
• National Honesty Day
• Breakfast: Waffle sticks, links, juice, milk.
• School Lunch: Cheese stick, noodles, fruit.
• Senior Menu: Lasagna rotini, tossed salad with dressing, Ambrosia fruit salad, oatmeal spice cookie, whole wheat bread.
• Birthdays: Heather Feser, Logan Lane, Melissa Smith
• 6:30am: Bible Study at Emmanuel Lutheran
• 9:00am: Girls Golf at Roncalli
• 10:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran: Bible Study leaders and pastor meet.
• 2:00pm: JH Track at Redfield
• 6:30pm: Kiwanis Athletic Banquet in GHS Gym
• 6:30pm: Scout Troop Meeting at United Methodist
• 7:00 pm: City Council Meeting

1- Today's Information
1- Classifieds
2- Rev. Snyder's Column
2- Johnson Agency
2- Hometown Care from Avera
3- McKiver Collision
5- Sen. John Thune's Column
7- Re. Kristi Noem's Column
9- USDA Ag Secretary Column
10- The Night Sky
12- Region Rain Tally
13- Today's Weather
14- Weather Page
15- Today in Weather History
15- UMW May Breakfast
16- Seeds from the Sower
17- News from the Associated Press

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