Tuesday,  April 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 285 • 1 of 37 •  Other Editions

Today's Information

• Tuesday, April 24
• State FCCLA in Sioux Falls
• Ag Day Fair in Aberdeen
• Pig in a Blanket Day
• Breakfast: Pancake on stick, juice, milk.
• School Lunch: BBQ, chips, fruit.
• Senior Menu: Turkey tetrazzine, Harvard beets, honey fruit salad, ice cream, whole wheat bread.
• Birthday: Taryn Rossow
• 10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study
• 12:00pm: Kiwanis Track Meet in Groton

• Wednesday, April 25
• East meets West Day
• Executive Admin's Day (Secretary's Day)
• World Penguin Day
• Breakfast: Cereal, Toast, juice, milk.
• School Lunch: Meat balls, tiny potato, corn, fruit, tea buns.
• Senior Menu: Oven fried chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans, glorified rice, whole wheat bread.
• Birthdays: Charlie Pray, Rick Schauer
• 7:00am: Men's Bible Study at United Methodist

1- Today's Information
1- Classifieds
1- Recycling Trailer in Groton
2- Prom Couples - Part 2
2- Johnson Agency
2- Hometown Care from Avera
3- McKiver Collision
3- Rubble Site is open
6- Bunke Bridal Shower
8- The Night Sky
10- School Board Story
11- Andover Bar & Grill
13- Wedding Insurance?!
15--Weather Page
16- Today in Weather History
16- UMC May Breakfast
17- Seeds from the Sower
18- News from the Associated Press


Claremont City wide Rummage sale  25 plus family on April 28. from 8 a.m to 2 p.m. Flyers at Holland in Claremont and Britton and at Ken's in Groton.

The recycling trailer is in Groton. It is located at the city shop at 10 East Railroad Ave. Don't forget, there is also a dumpster at the city shop for aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the pool.

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