Anniversary: Troy and Rhonda Carda Birthdays: Jon Voss, JR Johnson, Kayla Fordham, Joni Groeblinghoff, Peggy DeHoet, Chris Kassube,, Jaela Fliehs, Sandy Knudson 9:00am: SEAS Mass 9:00am: St. John's Worship 9:15am: C&MA Sunday School 9:30am: Presby. Bible Study 10:00am: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Pierpont worship 10:15am: Emmanuel Worship 10:15am: C&MA Fellowship 10:45am: C&MA Worship with Communion 11:00am: Presbyterian Worship 11:00am: Methodist Worship
Birthdays: Heather McDonald, Stephanie Vedvei, Beth Gustafson, Drake Peterson 11:00 am: Groton Memorial Day Program at Cemetery followed by Free-will offering lunch at the Post #39 Home
Senior Menu: Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Parsley Buttered Carrots, Applesauce, Molasses Cookie, Whole Wheat Bread Birthdays: Dean Kramer, Susan Knudsen, Shirley Meister 10:00am: Ladies Bible study at Groton C&MA