Monday, November 4 King Tut Day School Breakfast: Muffin, yogurt, fruit, juice. School Lunch: Pizza, green beans, rice, carrots and dip, canned and fresh fruit. Senior Menu: Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, cauliflower, apricots, whole wheat bread. Birthdays: • Lon Craig • Violet Moore • Lori Craig Webb • Parker Rossow • Carla Kjelden 6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study 7:00pm: City Council Meeting
Tuesday, November 5 Gunpoweder Day Guy Fawkes Day School Breakfast: French toast, links, fruit, juice, milk. School Lunch: Chicken sandwich, tater tots, lettuce salad, fresh and canned fruit. Senior Menu: Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas and carrots, peach cobbler, whole wheat bread. Election Day Anniversary: Charles & Virginia Meister Birthdays: Derek Carr • Jodi Sternhagen 10:00 am: C&MA Ladies Bible Study 10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study 4:30pm: Volleyball Region at Britton