• William Jackson was a prominent figure in the American Revolution. But even more important was his role as the Secretary of the United States Constitutional Convention. Although we know much about him and his many accomplishments, there is one fact that is rarely mentioned when people speak of him: a fondness that he had for a large oak tree. Its great size and the strength that is suggested gave him so much inspiration that he wrote a deed conveying it to full possession of itself and the land that surrounded it so even its roots would be protected from harm. • Trees have a special significance in the Bible. The Psalmist wrote that "The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that He planted." Why was the cedar singled out? • Cedars are trees whose branches reach high into the heavens. Their stateliness stands in stark contrast to other trees as they soar well over one hundred feet into the sky - as though they were reaching up for the God who created them. Certainly this represents a worthy characteristic for Christians to follow. • Cedars also are deep-rooted. They send their "anchors" deep into the earth as they reach up to their Creator. While many trees fall when storms "attack" them the cedar remains undisturbed. • Cedars are broad-branched - it spreads its arms widely as it grows old. It appears as though it wants to "embrace" others and protect them from harm. So do we. • Prayer: Lord, make us like cedars: to reach up to be near to You, down to abide in You and out to help others. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 104:16 The trees of the Lord are well watered, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted. •