Wednesday, July 10 Senior Menu: Meatloaf, baked potato withsour cream, creamed peas, fruited Jell-O, whole wheat bread. Birthday: Loren Osterman 7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study 9:00am: Kid's Lessons at Olive Grove 9:45am: Kid's Lessons at Olive Grove 12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center 5:30pm: Jr. Teeners at Webster 6:00pm: Men's League at Olive Grove 6:00pm: Teeners at Northville 6:00pm: U10 Softball hosts Sisseton 6:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Circles meet for potluck salad and dessert supper. Meeting to follow. 6:30pm: Tribe at Redfield 7:00pm: U12 Softball hosts Sisseton