(Continued from page 3)
more than one bank is keeping track of all the accounts and it was decided it was worth the increase in work. In the end, Wells Fargo will remain the official bank. • One again the board members passed on receiving a salary for being on the board. The remaining 10 items on the consent agenda were all approved without discussion. • After approving the soccer agreement with the City of Groton in which the two parties will split the maintenance costs of the soccer field 50/50, the current agreement with the Groton Soccer Association needed to be reworded. The new agreement cleans up the language so that it is clear that the maintenance costs will be paid by the school district. • Sarah Honerman was hired as the new English teacher/play adviser. • School board meeting dates will remain the same as in the past, meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, with a few exceptions. • A date and time for a special meeting to award the bids for the roofing work was set up for Thursday afternoon following the opening of the bids. • Three open enrollment applications were approved from the Aberdeen School District, a 10th grader, a 4th grader and a Kindergartener. The last two are new to the district. • The school board members wished to expresses their thanks to Steve Schaller for his years of service to the school district and welcomed Merle Harder to the board. - Char Telkamp