Friday, March 15
Boys State A in Rapid City Boys State B in Aberdeen
No School - Spring Break Senior Menu: Breaded codfish, parsley buttered potatoes, creamy coleslaw, sherbet, whole wheat bread. Birthdays: Clayton K (Butch) Farmen, Jim Ackman, Maggie Harder, Nikki Sombke, Rick Koehler, Tom Mahan
Saturday, March 16
Boys State A in Rapid City
Birthdays: Adam Harder, Arlys Kluess, Darrell Knudsen, Iver (Matt) Finnesand, Lane Yoder
Sunday, March 17 St. Patrick's Day No School at Emmanuel Lutheran Anniv: Jan & Don Price 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship with Communion 9:00am: St. John's Lutheran Worship 10:00am: St. John's Lutheran School/Bible Study 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship 3:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship at Golden Living Center (Emmanuel Men Serve) 5:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Adult Study
Monday, March 18 Waffle, sausage, fruit, juice, milk. School Lunch: Hot ham sandwich,