NSU Chamber Singers to present third annual Bach's Lunch Concert
The Northern State University Chamber Singers will present the third annual Bach's Lunch Concert at noon Wednesday, March 20, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. The Chamber Singers, under the direction of Dr. Timothy Woods, will be assisted by Dr. William Wieland, keyboard; Dr. Robert Vodnoy, conductor of the Aberdeen University/Civic Symphony; and members of the Aberdeen University/Civic Symphony. The featured work will be "Cantata 131, Aus der Tiefen ruhe ich, Herr, zu dir (Out of the depths I call to Thee, O Lord)," a setting of Psalm 130. This cantata is one of J. S. Bach's earliest, composed and performed in 1707 when he was 22 and an organist in Mόhlhausen. It is believed that the purpose of the cantata was for a public