Tuesday, June 5: Senior Menu: Turkey Tetrazzine, Harvard beets, honey fruit salad, ice cream, whole wheat bread.: Birthdays: Stephanie Stearns, Mark Leonhardt, Ward Gilchrist. • 1:30pm: St. John's Lutheran Good Cheer • 5:30pm: 10U Little League at Britton • 5:30pm: Legion at Sisseton, Double Header • 6:00pm: Olive Grove Ladies League • 6:30pm: Groton Tribe hosts Northville (DH) • 7:00pm: 12U Little League at Britton
Wednesday, June 6: Senior Menu: Oven fried chicken, sweet potatoes, green beans, glorified rice, whole wheat bread.: Birthdays: Richard Jones, Brandon Stolle, BJ Hanson • 10:00am: Kid's Golf Clinic at Olive Grove • 10:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Pastor and Bible Study Leaders Meet • 12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center • 1:00pm: St. John's Ladies Aid • 5:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Sarah Circle • 5:30pm: Junior Teeners host Webster • 6:00pm: Men's League at Olive Grove • 7:00pm: St. John's Lutheran Lifelight Bible Study
Thursday, June 7: