Tuesday,  June 5, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 327 • 10 of 45 •  Other Editions

Transit of Venus for North America on afternoon of June 5

Last transit of Venus in 21st century
• If you live in North America and Hawaii, the transit of Venus will start sometime in the afternoon hours on Tuesday, June 5. And if you live in the world's Eastern Hemisphere - Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand - the transit of Venus will be taking place sometime during the daylight hours on Wednesday, June 6.
Local transit times for your sky
Sunrise/sunset times for your sky
• During a transit of Venus, Venus shows itself as a small, dark dot in front of the solar disk. You absolutely have to use proper eye protection to view a transit of Venus, else you risk blindness or permanent eye damage.

Image credit: Wikipedia

Eye safety during solar eclipses
• Venus, the second planet from the sun, goes in between the sun and Earth in its orbit five times every eight years. Most of the time, however, Venus doesn't go directly in front of the sun, but rather swings above it or below it. But on June 5-6, 2012, Venus directly crosses the sun's disk for almost seven hours.
• Who will see the transit on Tuesday, June 5?
• The Western Hemisphere - North America, Central America, the northwestern part of South America, Greenland and Iceland - will see the transit sometime during the afternoon hours on Tuesday, June 5. You'll want a clear western horizon, as the

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