Monday,  June 23, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 339 • 1 of 25

1- Today's Information
1- Recycling Trailer in Groton
2- Classifieds
2- Fliehs Sales & Service
3- Obit: Harlan Drube
4- What to do if you inherit someone's 401(k)
6- Johnson Agency
6- Harry Implement

7- Olson Development

8- Today in Weather History
8- Andover Bar & Grill
10- South Dakota Weather Map
11- National Weather Map
12- Local Weather Page
13- Daily Devotional
14- News from the Associated Press

Monday, June 23
Senior Menu:
Spanish Rice/Hamburger, Green Beans, Mandarin Oranges, Chocolate Pudding, Whole Wheat Bread
Anniversary: Henry & Vera Musil.
Birthdays: Twila Ruden, Kaycie Hawkins, Shaylee Peterson, Alyssa Sippel, Sarah Sippel, Megan Baule, Madeline Fliehs, Branden Abeln.
6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study
10:00am: Shotgun start for Ladies Invitational Golf Tourney, 18 holes
5:30pm: Teeners host Britton
6:00pm: 10U Pee Wees at Britton (DH)
6:30pm: 12U Softball host Webster (DH)

Tuesday, June 24
Senior Menu: Baked Pork Chop, Mixed Vegetables, Pineapple Strawberry Ambrosia, Whole Wheat Bread
Anniversary: Mark & June Thompson
Birthdays: Jeremy Weber, Eunice Alberts, Ellie Sippel, Paul Kosel
8-12: Elementary Library Open (Story Time with Mrs. Eichler at 10 am)
10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study
12:00pm: Bridge at Olive Grove
6:00pm: T-ball Groton vs Groton
6:15pm: Ladies Night Golf at Olive Grove (potluck meal)

The cardboard/paper
recycling trailer at the school is back and is open!

Recycling Trailer in Groton

The recycling trailer is back in Groton at 10 East Railroad Ave. Don't forget, there is also a dumpster at the city shop for aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the pool.

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