Saturday,  April 27, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 282 • 1 of 38 •  Other Editions

1- Andover Bar & Grill
2- Groton JH Track Meet
2- Fliehs Sales & Service
3- Home for Sale
9- Obit: Arleen Sampson
10- Special School Board Meetings
11- Classifieds
11- Bahr Spray Foam
12- Today in Weather History
12- Rohly's Bar ad
12- Hometown Care from Avera
13- Weather Page
14- National Weather Map
15- Local Weather Page
15- Cogley Attorney
15- McKiver Collision
16- Daily Devotional
17- Earth Sky
18- News from the Associated Press

Saturday, April 27
Birthdays: Larry Leidholt, Terry Schwab,
10:00am: Track at Ipswich

Sunday, April 28
Birthdays: Alexis Ferrell, Justin Peterson, Kevin Pharis
9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship
9:15am: Groton Christian & Missionary Alliance School
10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow
10:15am: Emmanuel Lutheran School
10:15am: Groton Christian & Missionary Alliance Fellowship Time
10:45am: Groton Christian & Missionary Alliance Worship
11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship
3:00 pm: DI Dodgeball Tournament at GHS Gym

Monday, April 29
State FCCLA in Sioux Falls

Click here for more track meet photos

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