Wednesday,  September 19, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 064 • 1 of 39 •  Other Editions

1- Today's Information
1- McKiver Collision
2- No Texting on board day
2- High School Dress Up Winners
2- Johnson Agency
2- Hometown Care from Avera.
3- Boys soccer beats Central
4- Girls soccer lose to Central
5- Netters drop 3 to Warner
7- Elementary dress-up day
12- When seniors need financial assistance
12- Andover Bar & Grill
13- Jungle Day Bazaar
15- Classifieds
16- EarthSky
18- Today's Weather
19- National Weather Map
20- Weather Page
21- Today in Weather History
22- Seeds from the Sower
23- News from the Associated Press

Wednesday, September 19
Olive Grove Men's Night
Emmanuel Lutheran Confirmation
Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, milk.
School Lunch: Beef tacos, refried beans, red pepper, fruit.
Anniversary: Morgan and Ginger McNickle
Birthdays: Lanny Torguson • Diann Morehouse
7:00am: United Methodist Men's Bible Study
12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center
6:10pm: WOW Worship at United Methodist Church

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