Sunday,  June 24, 2012 • Vol. 12--No. 346 • 1 of 25 •  Other Editions

1- Today's Information
1- Recycling Trailer in Groton
2- Yard of the Week - Guthmillers
2- Fliehs Sales & Service
3- Firemen respond to false alarms
4- Rev. Snyder's Column
4- Johnson Agency
4- McKiver Collision
4- Slow Turtle on display
7- EarthySky
8- Hometown Care from Avera
9- Today's Weather
10- National Weather Map
11- Weather Page
12- Today in Weather History
12- Andover Bar & Grill
14- Seeds from the Sower
15- News from the Associated Press

Sunday, June 24
Legion at Aberdeen Tourney
Anniversary: Mark & June Thompson
Birthdays: Jeremy Weber, Eunice Alberts, Ellie Sippel, Paul Kosel.
9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship
9:00am: St. John's Lutheran Worship
10:00am: St. John's Lutheran Bible Study

Monday, June 25
Senior Menu: Hamburger cabbage roll hot dish, mixed vegetables, pears, cornmeal muffin.
Birthdays: Dodie Neumann, Carlie Peterson, Sydney Locke.
6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study
7:30am: St. John's Lutheran Men's Bible Study
9:00am: Ladies Invitational Golf Tourney at Olive Grove
5:30pm: Teeners at Watertown

The recycling trailer is in Groton. It is located at the city shop at 10 East Railroad Ave. Don't forget, there is also a dumpster at the city shop for aluminum cans with the proceeds going to the pool.

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