Destination Imagination Globals at Knoxville, Tenn. School Breakfast: Cook's Choice. School Lunch: Cook's Choice Senior Menu: Turkey & Dressing, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Broccoli, Pumpkin Bar/Topping or Carrot Bar, Whole Wheat Bread Birthdays: Alex Brandt, Cody Hanson, Joey Harry, Alex Bretsch, Matthew Richards 7:00am: UM Men Bible Study 12:00pm: Kiwanis meets at the Community Center 6:00pm: OG Men's League 6:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Vacation Bible School 7:00pm: Midweek Family Night for all ages at Groton C&MA
Destination Imagination Globals at Knoxville, Tenn. Last Day of School School Breakfast: Cook's Choice. School Lunch: Sack Lunch Senior Menu: Spaghetti/Meat Sauce, Broccoli or Carrots, Garlic Toast, Sherbet Birthdays: Logan Larsen, Jamie Osborne, Gavin Krueger, Duane Kavanaugh, Christopher Scott Larsen 12:00pm: Region Track at Sisseton 6:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Vacation Bible School