School Breakfast: Cereal, yogurt, juice, milk School Lunch: Taco burger, French fries, fresh vegetable, fresh and canned fruit. Senior Menu: Tuna Noodle Casserole, Beets, Swedish Apple Pie Square, Whole Wheat Bread Birthday: Jonna Waage 6:30am: Men's Bible study at DQ 'Nehemiah' 5:30pm: Track at Sisseton
Birthdays: Aaron Severson, Brandon Clocksene, Portia Kettering 8:00am: DI 5K Run, Bike or Walk - 2nd Annual Race to Globals - start at Emmanuel Lutheran Church 10:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Pastor at Rosewood Court 4:30pm: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Mass
Anniversary: Bill & Jana Duncan Birthdays: Jean Walter, Bill Duncan, Rosalie Gerdes, Jeslyn Kosel, 9:00am: SEAS Mass 9:00am: St. John's Lutheran w/communion 9:15am: C&MA Sunday School 9:30am: Presby. Bible Study 10:00am: Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Pierpont worship 10:15am: Groton C&MA Senior Recognition Reception 10:15am: Emmanuel Worship (Honoring our Graduates) 10:45am: C&MA Worship 11:00am: Methodist Worship 11:00am: Presbyterian Worship 2:00 pm: GHS Graduation 3:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship at Golden Living Center (Sarah Circle Serves)