Friday, June 28 Legion at LuVerene, Minn. Teeners at Humboldt Anniversaries: Doug & Melenie Sombke, Carroll & Pearl Dean. Birthdays: Holly Johnson, Michael Baule. Senior Menu: Ham/raisin sauce, sweet potatoes, California blend vegetables, crazy cake, dinner roll. 6:30am: C&MA Bible Study at DQ - Mark 14-16 6:30pm: Tribe hosts Redfield (DH)
Saturday, June 29 Legion at LuVerene, Minn. Teeners at Humboldt Anniversaries: John & Meri Erickson, Gordon & Dorene Nelson, Phil & Lisa Adler. Birthday: Derick Furman 9:00am: 50th Class Reunion and Golfing
Sunday, June 30 Legion at LuVerene, Minn. Teeners at Humboldt Birthdays: Brad Furman, Mary Anne Clark, CJ Lane, Alan Zoellner, Harvey Fliehs Sr., Gilbert Hinkelman, Cole Larson, Steve Thurston, Haley Wheeler, June Meyer. 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship and Sing Along 9:15am: C&MA School 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont 10:15am: C&MA Fellowship and Lunch