Saturday, June 22 Jr. Teeners at Ellendale Knights of Columbus Golfing Legion at Brookings Birthdays: Angela Dobbins, Wade Nyberg, Jerrie Vedvei.
Sunday, June 23 Jr. Teeners at Ellendale Legion at Brookings Anniversary: Henry & Vera Musil. Birthdays: Twila Ruden, Kaycie Hawkins, Shaylee Peterson, Alyssa Sippel, Sarah Sippel, Megan Baule, Madeline Fliehs, Branden Abeln. 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship 9:15am: C&MA School 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont 10:15am: C&MA Fellowship and Lunch 10:45am: C&MA Worship 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship
Monday, June 24 Anniversary: Mark & June Thompson Birthdays: Jeremy Weber, Eunice Alberts, Ellie Sippel, Paul Kosel Senior Menu: Spanish rice with hamburger, green beans, mandarin oranges, chocolate pudding, whole wheat bread. 6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study 10:00am: Olive Grove Ladies Invitational Tourney 5:30pm: Teeners hosts Watertown (DH)