Saturday, June 15 Groton Triathlon Legion at Webster Teeners at Lennox Anniversary: Gene & Ruby Luce, Jesse & Jaymie Overacker. Birthdays: Seth Sims, Jonathan Fliehs, Janice Herman. 10:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran pastor at Rosewood Court 3:00pm: Tribe hosts Miller (1)
Sunday, June 16 Legion at Brookings Teeners at Lennox Anniversary: Pat & Lora McMahon. Birthdays: Gavin Voss, Harry Pharis Jr., Virginia Abeln, Steve McKiver, Amy Brown, Marlys Torguson, Dustin Hendrickson, Maryn Howard, Paul Winther. Father's Day 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran worship with communion/baptism 9:15am: C&MA School 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont 10:15am: C&MA Fellowship and Lunch 10:45am: C&MA Worship with communion 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship 3:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran fellowship at Golden Living Center (Sarah serves)