Saturday,  May 4, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 288 • 1 of 27 •  Other Editions

1- New Groton Superintendent
1- DI Fundraisers
2- Today's Events
3- USDA Ag Secretary Column
3- Fliehs Sales & Service
4- Home for Sale
5- April in review and May Climate
5- Andover Bar & Grill
7- City Council Agenda
8- Democrats question travel expense
9- Tina's Little Tykes Day Care Ad
10- Classifieds
10- Bahr Spray Foam
11- Today in Weather History
11- Hometown Care from Avera
12- Weather Page
13- National Weather Map
14- Local Weather Page
14- McKiver Collision
15- Daily Devotional
16- Earth Sky
17- News from the Associated Press

DI Fundraisers

There are a few Destination Imagination fundraisers left before the three teams head to Knoxville, Tenn.
It should also be pointed out that pork loins and raffle tickets can be purchased on-line at, click on DI Fundraisers on the left hand side. You can even register on-line for the 5K Walk/Run/Bike event.

Rummage Sale/Car Wash/Bake Sale
Saturday, May 4
• During the City-Wide rummage day on Saturday, May 4, there will be a rummage sale, car wash and bake sale at the elementary gym.
Pork Loin/Ribs meal
Monday, May 6
• A pork loin and ribs meal will be served once again from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. prior to the high school music concert on Monday, May 6.
5K Walk/Run/Bike
Saturday, May 18
• Then a 5K walk/run/bike will be held Saturday, May 18, with registration at 7:30 a.m. and a start time of 8 a.m. Cost is $20 per person.
• Monday, May 20th: DI teams leave for Knoxville, Tenn.

Schwan named Groton Area Superintendent

Superintendent Laura Schuster said, "CONGRATULATIONS to Joe Schwan for being selected as Groton Area's new superintendent.  He will officially begin his duties as superintendent on July 1.  I am very confident that the district will be in good hands under his leadership."

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