Saturday, February 16 Birthday: Pernell Graf
Sunday, February 17 Birthdays: Darien Shabazz, Lila Olson, Marie Gengerke 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran worship with communion 9:00am: St. John's Lutheran Worship with communion 10:00am: St. John's Bible Study 10:00am: St. John's Lutheran School 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship 3:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran fellowship at Golden Living Center (SS serves)
Monday, February 18 Washington's Birthday (Presidents Day) Anniv: Chuck and Mickey Padfleid Birthdays: Crystal Young, Zach Herron 6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study 3:00pm: JH BBB hosts Roncalli 5:15pm: C team boys host Roncalli 6:30pm: JV boys host Roncalli 7:30pm: St. John's Lutheran Christian Lit 8:00pm:Varsity Boys host Roncalli Tuesday, February 19 School Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, fruit, juice, milk. School Lunch: Spaghetti with meat