Saturday, December 1 Honor Band at NSU State Oral Interp at Yankton Birthdays: Darrel Hendrickson • Ahmad Shabazz Jr • Kevin Raap 10:00am: JHGBB Jamboree in Groton 10:00a: WR at Clark/Willow Lake
Sunday, December 2 Birthdays: Leonard Garness • Liz Doeden • Cade Guthmiller • Meri Erickson 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship with Communion 9:00am: St. John's Lutheran Worship with Communion 9:15am: C&MA School 10:00am: St. John's Lutheran Bible Study 10:00am: St. John's Lutheran School 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow 10:15am: Emmanuel Lutheran School 10:45am: C&MA Worship 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship 4:00pm: JK-8 Open Gym 6:00pm: 6-12 Open Gym
Monday, December 3 School Breakfast: Egg wraps, fruit, juice, milk. School Lunch: Chicken strips, baked tiny potato, baked beans, fruit, muffin. Senior Menu: Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, cauliflower, apricots, whole