Monday, June 18 Senior Menu: Spaghetti with meat sauce, broccoli, garlic toast, orange sherbet. Birthdays: Nick Strom, Halie Yarborough, Jason Pullan, Ryan Quiggle, Doug Swanson. 6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study 7:30am: St. John's Lutheran Men's Bible Study 5:30pm: Junior Teeners hosts Aberdeen B 6:00pm: 10U Softball at Ipswich 6:00pm: Teeners at Warner 7:00pm: 12U Softball at Ipswich 7:00pm: City Council Meeting 7:30pm: St. John's Lutheran Christian Lit. 8:00pm: 14U Softball at Ipswich
Tuesday, June 19 Senior Menu: Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, carrots, peach cobbler, whole wheat bread. Anniversary: Garrett-Sindi Heitmann. Birthday: Pat Dahlquist.