Tuesday, July 15, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 361 • 5 of 15

(Continued from page 4)

activity, but ride home with another parent, technically, the student is the school district's responsibility to the student is returned to the school. Some schools have a policy that if you are in an activity, you ride the bus to the event and back again. No action was taken at this time; it is currently up the coaches to set the policy on riding home.
• Approval was given for the hiring of Vonnie Lutz and Jill Krueger as special needs para-professionals for the 2014-2015 school year at $10.25/hr. Approval was also given to add five additional working days to Aaron Helvig's contract. He is the tech coordinator.
• Three open enrollments were approved, one from Aberdeen and two from the Langford school districts.
• St. John's Lutheran Church youth group will be able to use a school van on their mission trip to Bloomington MN on July 18-20 and the Groton Legion Baseball team will have the use of a bus for the regional tournament if needed while their bus is being fixed. Both will be charged the rate established by the school's activity trip expense chart.
• All 15 items on the consent agenda were approved; this included the designation of the official bank as Wells Fargo, the legal counsel as Rodney Freeman and the Groton Independent as the official school newspaper.

-Char Telkamp

Lori's Pharmacy Crazy Days
July 17 and 18
Crazy Deals Outside and Inside the Store!

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