Tuesday, July 15, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 361 • 4 of 15

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sure to impress the need to keep the money generated by our patrons here in our school district when talking to state representatives."
• One account did see a minor problem as $2,176 in bad debt had to be written off in the OST program. Since then changes have been made with a new policy that limits charges to more than $100. OST is the Out of School program that parents pay for to watch students before and after school.
• There were no changes made to the school lunch prices, milk and orange juice tickets or the activity gate admissions for the 2014-2015 school year.
• During the principals reports it was noted that the supply list for the new school year have been sent to area businesses and is up on the website.
• School Superintendent Joe Schwan reported on the new Smart Snacks Program which will take effect this fall. The program is part of the National School Lunch Program run by the USDA. In 2010 they released the changes to the school lunch program, followed the changes to the school breakfast programs. This year it affects the food and beverages sold to students during the school day, especially through school fundraisers. One program affected will be the Wake-Up Wednesday fundraiser done by the Debate program. So far the program does not affect the concession stands or food and beverage sold after school.
• A second reading and approval was given to the recommended policy changes in the middle school/high school student handbook and the policy for volunteer drivers. There was some discussion on what happens when students ride a bus to an

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