Saturday, July 12, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 358 • 4 of 29

(Continued from page 3)

eral funds over the last two years to help support the fight.
• These efforts in South Dakota are working, but the federal government now must get out of the way.  Last month, Chief Tidwell honored the Black Hills National Forest with the Chief's Award for "Leading in the Business Environment" for their work on beating the beetle.  Once again, South Dakota's efforts are highlighted as an example for the nation.
• We are fortunate to have so many dedicated foresters working in the Black Hills today and I am very grateful for

Noem speaks with U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell about the pine beetle crisis while visiting the Black Hills National Forest.

their efforts.  I am also committed to being their partner in Congress because decades from now, I want our kids to be able to drive to the Black Hills with their families and see the vibrant forest we grew up seeing.
• It's possible.  But first, we're going to have to beat the beetle.

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