Monday, June 30, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 345 • 25 of 27

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• The decision to withdraw, which had been widely expected, followed talks between Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and IOC President Thomas Bach.
• "We concluded that it would be extremely difficult to pursue the 2022 bid under current circumstances but that a future bid would make sense for Ukraine and Ukrainian sport," Bach said in a statement.
• ___

Nicki Minaj, Chris Rock, Pharrell: The 6 most memorable moments from the BET Awards

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- After nearly four hours of prizes, performances and the occasional bleeped expletive, the 2014 BET Awards came to a close. When it was all over, Pharrell Williams had two trophies, as did newcomer August Alsina, and Lil Wayne dropped the mike, apparently breaking it.
• Here's a look at some of the memorable moments that emerged from Sunday night's ceremony, broadcast live from the Nokia Theatre on BET:
• -- Accepting her fifth consecutive award for female hip-hop artist, Nicki Minaj gave a rambling speech in which she said she was recently near death.
• "The other day, literally I didn't tell anybody this, I really thought I was about to die. Like, I was saying my prayers to die. And I didn't even want to call the ambulance because I thought, 'Well if I call the ambulance, it's going to be on TMZ,'" Minaj said, as some of the audience laughed.
• "And I would rather sit there and die," she added, looking to the crowd. "And it made me realize I don't care what anybody got to say. I'm going to do me."

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Monday, June 30, the 181st day of 2014. There are 184 days left in the year.

Today's Highlight in History:
On June 30, 1934, Adolf Hitler launched his "blood purge" of political and military rivals in Germany in what came to be known as "The Night of the Long Knives."

On this date:
In 1859, French acrobat Charles Blondin (blahn-DAN') walked back and forth on

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