Sunday,  June 22, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 338 • 3 of 24

The Lighter Side
Rev. James L. Snyder

The Haves, the Have Nots and the Whatnots

• When it comes to politics, I am as confused as the politicians themselves.

I do not like to discuss politics because I do not understand it and just as soon as you understand one opinion, everything changes and you do not know where you are at. Just as soon as a politician voices a position on an issue, he spins it around and it sounds like he has taken an opposite view. All that spinning has me in a whirl.
• Politicians change positions more than the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage changes her mind.
• It seems to me that when God ran out of brains and intellectual capacitors, He turned to an angel and said, "I know what I will do. I'll make me a politician." He gathered up all the leftover dirt He could find and threw together what we now know as a politician.
• I do not know if this was a joke on God's part or if He is just trying to test us to see how much pain we can endure. The only consolation I have, and I have read my Bible over 100 times, there is no mention of politicians in heaven. Maybe that is one of the things that makes heaven, heaven.
• I know I do not understand much that goes on in the political arena, but one of the things I have been hearing has to do with what they call, "The Haves and the Have Nots." It must be important because now there is a TV series with this name. Do not dare ask me if I have watched it because I will have to tell you the truth. I "Have Not."
• What do people mean when they use this phrase? Who are these Haves? And who are these Have Nots?
• Probably more importantly, what is it that these Haves have that the Have Nots want?
• I am reminded of my old uncle Amos, who often brags, "I can afford anything I want, I just don't want anything." If you ever saw old uncle Amos, he really does not have anything. At least, he did not have anything that I wanted or any sane person, for that matter.
• The problem as I see it is simply this. If I want what somebody else has, am I really going to be happy when I have what he has?
• There are many things that I do not have and I am quite happy that I do not have them.
• I do not have an incurable disease. I do not have a debt so far above my head

(Continued on page 4)

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