Saturday,  June 21, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 337 • 14 of 34


• The word "delight" is often a disarming word. What might delight me would not delight you. It's a word that is in one sense personal, but in another way, universal. It always implies that something has happened to bring joy or satisfaction to another. Or, when used in the Bible, it brings great pleasure to God.
• The Psalmist wrote: "The Lord takes great delight in His people." Not all people or certain people or educated people or even wise people. He only takes delight in His people. Notice, also, that it is more than mere delight, it is great delight.
• So the question we must ask ourselves is this: "Who are His people?" Does God have favorites? Are there some people whom God loves more than others? Can anything be done to become one of His people that bring Him great delight? How can we get into that "inner circle" that is recognized as "His people?"
• Surely, we know that "by faith we are saved." So, the first step to becoming one of His people is to be born into His kingdom by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. When this was written, however, His people were those who were in a covenant relationship with Him. The verses that precede this verse describe people who, in particular, are praising the Lord. They are singing and dancing and making music by playing harps and tambourines - all signs of joyful worship to their God.
• Worship signifies humility. Only humble people take time to worship the Lord. His people are humble people.
Prayer: Lord, true worship means that we bow down before You - and only You - in humility and surrender. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 149:4 For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.

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