Wednesday,  June 18, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 334 • 6 of 31

(Continued from page 5)

immune system can be challenged. "Considering this weather situation will not be over yet, a successful vaccination plan devised by a local veterinarian is a good strategy," he said.
Mycotoxins in feed
Another issue Garcia encourages livestock producers to be aware of is flood-damaged feeds and mycotoxins. "Farmers and ranchers should be vigilant and avoid feeding moldy feed and test for mycotoxins. This is particularly important in pregnant cows and young calves," he said.
• Too learn more about the impacts of flooding and potential countermeasures please visit SDSU Extension's iGrow website at

Groton American Legion Aux.

• The Groton American Legion Aux. met with Supper meeting on June 3, with Pres. Jan Delzer presiding. She reported that 135 attended the Memorial Day dinner. Flags were placed on the graves of veterans in five local cemeteries. A CARE package was sent to Brent Wenck who is serving in Afghanistan. The motion was passed to purchade a new coffee pot.
• The following officers were installed: Jan Delzer, continues as Pres; VP- Karen Wolter; Sec.- Wendy Cooper; Treas- Meri Erickson; Chaplain-Rose Locke; Sgt of Arms- Ded Olson; and Historian- Gert Erickson. The next meeting will be on Sept. 2. 
• LaVonne Helmer, Publicity

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