Tuesday,  June 17, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 333 • 8 of 39

(Continued from page 7)

• There will be a new flag pole erected near city hall and the words "City Hall" will be added to the building.
• There is a planning meeting on Tuesday for the 2016 reconstruction of SD Highway 37 from Aspen Avenue to US 12. Currently the crosswalk is situated at Fourth Avenue. It was suggested that the city ask for a cross walk at both Third Avenue and Fifth Avenue and if the city can have only one cross walk, it should be at Fifth Avenue. The current proposed Safe Route to School crosses Highway 37 at Fifth Avenue.  There was also discussion on the side walk path going down Third Avenue from Washington Street. The current plan is to have it go on the north side. The end result would be to move Nelson Field fence in and to also move a light tower structure. Councilman David McGannon questioned why spending all of that money to move the fence and tower. In addition, he said that the fields are designed for regulation size. The DOT has yet to accept the city's plan, but if they do accept the plan to put it on the north side of Third Avenue West, McGannon said he will not be in favor of moving the fence or light tower structure.
• The council went into executive session with Travis Kurth and Pat Krause both in attendance.

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