Saturday,  June 14, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 331 • 7 of 32

The Perfect Father's Day Gift
By Rep. Kristi Noem

• It's a struggle every year. I rack my brain trying to think of a Father's Day gift for Bryon that he will really, really enjoy. There are challenges. One being that he is probably the most frugal person that I know. He doesn't like to spend a dollar that doesn't have to be spent. This is a good thing, but it also means that material items don't mean a whole lot to him. If I were to go out and buy him an expensive item, even one he has talked about getting someday, I would still see a bit of disappointment in his eyes because he just didn't think it was necessary to spend the money.
• One Father's Day, the kids and I went out and bought him a brand new bike. He thought it was too much and didn't act all that excited about it. His old bike may have been covered in rust and have a wobble in the back tire, but it still got him through a Sunday family bike ride. He graciously thanked us though while we showed him all the latest and greatest gadgets that have been developed since his original bike was built in the 1800's (maybe not that old). That was almost a decade ago and the "new" bike is getting enough age on it that Bryon is finally starting to enjoy it.
• So every year, the kids and I discuss what this year's gift should be. Only the discussion has changed quite a bit. You see, we learned through experience that what Bryon really values is time with his family. We don't have to go shopping to make his Father's Day perfect. We just need to slow down for the day and enjoy being together. Sure, there is always a small gift waiting for him at the kitchen table in the morning, but what he smiles over are the cards filled with words of appreciation and love from those closest to him. I love that about him.
• Bryon has been a gift to me and our children for many, many years. I admire his work ethic, his sense of humor, his ability to forgive, his love for life, and his integrity and honesty. But what I love most about him is his tender heart.
• Father's Day is the perfect opportunity for me to stop for a moment and express to him how grateful I am that our children have such a father. He is a partner in all I do and a helpmate through peaceful and busy times. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me.
• I hope you get the opportunity soon to spend some time and visit with the fathers in your life. My dad has been with The Lord for 20 years now and I won't be able to thank him for all he taught me this Father's Day.  But we are all surrounded by dads that make sacrifices every day for their families who we can spend a little time with. Maybe even buy them a cup of coffee or a piece of pie after church. That is something to be grateful for and I hope you take advantage of the opportunity. Happy Father's Day!

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