Saturday,  June 07, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 324 • 2 of 27

• It's a beautiful Saturday. It was on the cool side this morning, but with no wind, it felt great. While most people get to sleep in a little longer on Saturday, it's a very busy one for me as not only do I deliver the Aberdeen American News, but also the AN+, which adds another two and half hours to my morning routine.
• When I got home, Julianna was just waking up. We ended up taking a trip to FastCare in Aberdeen last night as she was having an increased pain in her ear. I figured it was Swimmer's Ear, but I did not want to take the risk of having some infection get worse, espe

cially when it comes to the ear. She ended up getting a prescription for two medicines plus she needed to take Tylenol to help reduce the pain. Everything went fine until 1 a.m. when she came crying into the bedroom with pain. I wish I could have waved my hand and the pain would disappear, but that wasn't going to work. Being a parent and watching a child in pain makes one feel so helpless.  We gave her some Tylenol and in about half an hour, she was calmed down and ready to sleep for the rest of the night. Julianna won't be able to get water in her ear for about a week.
• So if you or your children do a lot of swimming, make sure the ears get dried out so that bacteria can't grow to prevent Swimmer's Ear.

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