Friday,  May 30, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 316 • 18 of 34

(Continued from page 17)

Augustana guard transferring to Montana State

• BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) -- Augustana College guard Riley Nordgaard has transferred into the Montana State women's basketball program.
• Nordgaard averaged 12.9 points and 7.6 rebounds per game as a sophomore at the Sioux Falls, South Dakota school. She will have to sit out a season under NCAA Division I transfer rules and will have two seasons remaining.
• MSU coach Tricia Binford says Nordgaard is a tough, aggressive athlete with a team-first mentality.
• Nordgaard averaged 24 points, 10.5 rebounds and 5.9 steals per game as a senior at Canby High in Canby, Minnesota.

Thune tour highlights opposition to internet rules
CARSON WALKER, Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- High technology executives and two members of the government agency which regulates the industry joined Sen. John Thune Thursday on a tour of small South Dakota businesses to highlight their opposition to proposed new rules allowing internet providers to charge other companies for high-speed access.
• Representatives from AOL Inc., Yelp Inc. and Facebook Inc. and two members of the Federal Communications Commission accompanied Thune at companies that rely heavily on the Internet.
• Thune is the ranking member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, which oversees Internet issues, and is in line to become chairman if the Republicans regain a majority of the U.S. Senate in November. He will be influential in the debate over an FCC proposal that would allow Internet providers to charge other companies for priority, high-speed, access to their users.
• The FCC on May 15 moved the proposed rules governing so-called "net neutrality" into a formal public comment period. After that 120-day period ends, the FCC will revise the proposal and vote on a final set of rules. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has said he wants the rules in place by the end of this year.
• Thune opposes them and has joined other Republican leaders in urging the FCC to abandon the effort.
• The two FCC commissioners who voted against the rules, Michael O'Rielly and Ajit Pai, joined Thune on Thursday's tour that first stopped at Blend Interactive in

(Continued on page 19)

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