Saturday,  May 24, 2014 • Vol. 16--No. 310 • 9 of 29

Memorial Day - May 26th, 2014

• Memorial Day is Monday, May 26th 2014. This is a day of remembrance for the brave men and women who have died in our nation's service.

• Fly the U.S. flag at half-staff until noon. For U.S. flags displayed on a short staff or for indoor flags that cannot be lowered to half-staff, place a black mourning ribbon above the full-staffed U.S. flag
• Fly the POW/MIA Flag, visit Memorials and take part in services sponsored by veterans
• Participate in a National Moment of Remembrance at 3pm on May 26th. Take a few moments to reflect on the true meaning of the day and be mindful of the sacrifices of others in defense of our nation
• Make a pledge to aid those families affected by our fallen heroes and aid to disabled veterans
• Be sure to proudly display your American Flag and decorate your home or business with Patriotic Decorations.

• The correct procedure for displaying the flag at half-staff is to raise the flag to the top of the pole briskly, pause for a moment, and then slowly bring it down to where

the top of the flag is at a position approximately halfway between the top and bottom of the pole. At the end of the day, the flag should be raised briskly to the top of the pole, then lowered slowly and ceremoniously retired for the day (unless illuminated at night).

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